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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Barry's Book Reviews: "She Belongs to Me" by Carmen DeSousa

FOUR STARS: "She Belongs to Me" by Carmen DeSousa is predominantly a romance novel but the thing that a guy like me can really sink his teeth into is the element of mystery. The book grabs you at the first sound of gunfire. There are several twists and turns before the story comes to its satisfying conclusion.  We are brought back and forth from the "love at first sight", courtship and marriage to the struggle over life and death and solution to the mystery. I have to say that I enjoyed the present day story more than the courtship because that part of the story dragged in places. The characters were generally believable although Jordan's vacillation between domination, kisses and tears was a bit over the top.  There was even well developed sympathy for the "never do well" paramour turned good guy.  Overall a good story for romantic types.

1 comment:

  1. Barry, thank you for the wonderful review, and I'm so glad you found some great places to sink your teeth into. It's always difficult writing a romantic suspense that will appeal to both men and women. My husband feels the same as you; his eyes glaze over at some of the areas we women cling to. LOL! Thank you again. I love having a gentleman's perspective.


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